Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Best of 2015: An Explorations of Ambiguity Year in Review

2015 was quite a year for the Explorations of Ambiguity team. And, of course, by Explorations of Ambiguity Team I mean me. At the end of the day, it really is all about me.

I tried to fix a lawnmower. I went to Target. I cut my own hair several times. I read some stuff. I watched some Disney Junior (okay, a little more than some). I waxed nostalgic occasionally (okay, maybe a little more than occasionally). I got depressed once or twice (okay, probably a bit more than once or twice). Both my kids had birthdays. I created the smash hit blog series: Link-apalooza. Somebody liked one of my tweets. I learned to love myself just a little bit more.

But, you might be wondering, what does a raging narcissist do at the end of the year? The answer: create a greatest hits list of his top blog posts and then sit at home by himself on New Year’s Eve, of course. 

So, without further ado, I present the Top 10 most read Explorations of Ambiguity posts of 2015. Hold on to your hats, folks, because here we go!

Like I said: smash hit! I just skimmed through this one, and let me tell you, it’s a real grab bag. Not sure why you guys read it, but hey, knock yourselves out.

Sleep and babies. Babies and sleep. Need I say more? Okay, I will. Nineteen easy steps and your baby can go to sleep like Sleeping Beauty (or whatever). Come and get it!

Baby race? Did someone say baby race? Oh yes, I said it. Epic doesn’t begin to describe it.

Finally. It’s time to get nostalgic up in here. I don’t want to get all emotional, so just read it and let’s move on.

Honestly, I feel like this one is kind of meh, but had to be done. Hope I’m not overselling it.

But you know what’s not meh? Target! Target never disappoints.

Another Link-apalooza edition in which I get caught in a 3-year-old’s labyrinth of terrible humor. Plus, a picture of me in a winter hat!

There are so many more than five, but just to start things out. Come to think of it, I’m reasonably certain all the things I love are pretty boring.

I do love me a running diary. Thanks to Bill Simmons for the idea. I feel like this is a very worthy number two, and I mean, I should know, right?

With a title like this, it had to be number one. Hopefully it holds up nine months later.

And there you have it. Happy New Year and thanks for reading!

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