Thursday, January 27, 2011

It's been two days? Time for a recap...

Because I really don't have anything better to do...

-  Michelle and I were happy to finally return to our favorite Thai restaurant in Cambridge after a month and a half hiatus. We were very relieved that our favorite waitress was still there…Michelle thought she had heard her say at the end of last year that she was leaving. Luckily for us, she’s still very much around. Needless to say, our water glasses never dipped below the three-quarters full mark and our plates and silverware were quickly whisked back into their proper places if they were ever so bold as to slip into a less than perfect arrangement. Sometimes you forget how much you miss the little things…

-  When we were doing self-checkout at Sainsbury’s (grocery store) the other day, the guy beside us was having trouble with his checkout machine. He had to call over the store assistant a couple of times. This isn’t unusual…it happens to us at least once every time we go through. However, apparently this guy was getting a bit annoyed or embarrassed. I heard him tell the worker that, “this machine is getting a little ‘schizo’ on me.” When we walked out, I heard the guy behind us tell his friend, “I told the store clerk the machine was getting a little ‘schizo’ on me!” I honestly didn’t think it was all that funny the first time…definitely not worth repeating. Guess I can’t blame the guy though…I was cracking myself up with a joke I came up with for my presentation.  Something about how I used the word ‘triumphalism’ only because I needed another –ism to pair with ‘skepticism’ and that was the best I could come up with. I think it’s pretty hilarious…Michelle doesn’t care for it as much.  Each to his or her own…

-  Following up on that note, presentation went off pretty well today.  Glad that’s over with.  I had two main jokes…the –ism joke that went over fairly well, I think I got at least three laughs.  My other attempt was something about how the first place I looked for a definition of “new media” was Wikipedia.  That one didn’t go over quite as well…but I still enjoyed it.

-  I had the pleasure of nosing around the university library this week. Talk about intimidating experiences. I would probably put it in the top five most intimidating places I’ve ever been (yes, I realize this speaks volumes about how sheltered my life has been). Anyway, here’s the blueprint. First off, the building is ridiculously huge. Second, when you come in you have to leave your bags in the lockers. Of course, I missed the sign that explained how to use the lockers so I just faked it and left my stuff unlocked. Then there’s this little check-in place where you swipe your card to gain access…very official. I thought that would be last of the scrutiny as I’m used to leisurely browsing around my libraries.  Not the case here.  Seems like every room has a desk with workers sitting at it…watching your every move.  I had to pick up a book to check out from the Reading Room.  The only problem was there was a menacing guy sitting behind the desk, staring me in the face when I walked in.  And there are posters plastered all over saying that books may not leave the Reading Room.  Highly confusing.  I grabbed my book and made a run for it nonetheless.  I was relieved that the guy didn’t leap across the desk and tackle me.  However, from that snake pit I stumbled into the Rare Books Room.  Big mistake.  There were literally three people sitting behind the desk doing nothing but staring down all four of the patrons in the room bent on desecrating the rare books collection.  I did a little cursory browsing so as to not look silly and escaped quietly through the gated exit. After that, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough.  Luckily my bag was untouched…like anyone be bold enough to steal anything in that fortress anyway.

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