Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How to be cool like me…Tip #28

Another excerpt from my unreleased book with the working title, Cool Like Me: 100 Tips for Increasing Your Awesomeness

Coolness Tip #28: When entering a room where the lights are controlled by a motion detector, make a cool hand gesture to give the impression that you are turning on the lights with the sheer power of your awesomeness.
It’s pretty obvious that new technologies have provided many new opportunities to increase your coolness (see RAZR phones). Motion-sensing lights are a prime example.  I mean, what could be cooler than having the lights magically come on when you walk into a room.  It’s kind of like the Fonz making the jukebox play by thumping it with his fist...but even better.
Anyway, while the concept is elegantly simple, the execution takes some practice.  Luckily for me, the bathroom in my workplace has motion lights…so I’m always excited when I open the door and the lights are out.  Over the years I’ve developed two go-to “let there be light” hand gestures.  I like to keep things simple and clean…so nothing too elaborate…remember we’re going for coolness here. 
My first preferred gesture is the “Jim Colbert,” named for the esteemed golfer of Senior Tour fame who was noted for his coolness (you can kind of see the gesture being displayed by his statue at the above link).  In short, curl the middle finger and ring finger in to the palm, extend index finger and pinkie…but kind of crooked and relaxed, not straight…and thumb up.  The only difference from Jim’s move is that you’ll want to give it a little more downward wrist snap for emphasis…like ‘bam, here come the lights.’
Step One of the "Jim Colbert"
Step Two: Bam, here come the lights!

My second, and favorite, gesture is the “Boo-yah.”  It’s a simple downward fist pump.  Start with your fist at shoulder level, elbow raised at a 45 degree angle from your side, and move your hand rapidly down and back up in a quick “Boo-yah” movement.  This one never gets old…no matter how many times I use it. 
Step One of the "Boo-yah"...lock and load
Step Two: Boo-yah!
Step Three: The recoil..."that's right!"


Of course, you really need to develop your own personal style.  So, just start working on it…and don’t fret if it doesn’t work out for you right away.  After all...the “Boo-yah” wasn’t made in a day.

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